Here are some Pounds and Inches Away before and after Pictures from our valued past and current customers who have completed the Pounds and Inches Away Program; not paid professionals.
These success stories give you examples of REAL weight loss that can happen with the Pounds & Inches Away Program. Check out the amazing before and after weight loss results!
Leanne’s Success Story
Back in my wedding dress AFTER 23 years and 9 kids!
Hello, my name is Leanne Mennemeier and this is my story. I spent the majority of my life fat. I was born into a family of six children, three with good metabolism and three with not-so-good metabolism. The three lean ones could eat whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, and stayed thin, while the three chunky ones ‘watched’ and ‘limited’ what they ate, danced (the 2 girls) many hours a week, and stayed fat. It wasn’t fair; it just WAS. I joined Weight Watchers for the first time at just 10 years old! Thus began my career of dieting. I was a life-time Weight Watcher member several times (serving consecutive life-sentences, you might say).
As an adult, I faithfully tried every diet imaginable, from the ‘only eat cabbage’ diet to some of the expensive ‘eat only what they’ve sold you’ diets. I tried taking diet pills, exercising, and starving. It made me crabby, but not skinny (unless you count my face and chest). I would lose a few pounds, or occasionally even quite a bit, but it ALWAYS came back with a vengeance. I can’t tell you how frustrating and discouraging this was you either already know or you can’t imagine. My weight was always in the forefront of my mind. Activities that should be enjoyable like shopping, running into old friends or lying on a beach sparked emotions of dread and sometimes sheer terror or disgust. After my last baby, #9 (yes, nine), I had given up. I couldn’t bear the thought of beginning another weight loss program with an estimated goal date of eight months in the future to lose 45 pounds. I was resolved to the fact that I was just going to be fat the rest of my life why keep fighting the inevitable.
Then something happened that changed my life forever. My sister, Linda Prinster (yes, one of the chunky ones) read a book called ‘The Weight Loss Cure “They” Don’t Want You to Know About’ by Kevin Trudeau. The book referred to a doctor’s diet protocol that made perfect sense to her and explained our struggle in detail. She immersed herself in research. While the theory made perfect sense, it seemed too good to be true — a glimmer of hope after 35 years. When she told me the details about this protocol, I thought she was crazy. I knew dieting, and there couldn’t possibly be anything out there that would work the way she anticipated. Well, she did the diet and lost 20 lbs. in about a month. A fluke I reasoned as I counted my points used so far for the day. Then she helped my mom, my cousin, my friend….Hey, wait for me!
Here I am, 46 lbs. lighter and holding, having finished the Pounds and Inches Away Program in March of 2008. People tell me I look great for having nine kids but I think I look great ‘period’.
As for my sister, she’s since written a book on the Pounds and Inches Away system, the Weight Loss Cure Guide, and we coauthored a recipe book, 101 Worry-Free Diet Recipes. After partnering with two former clients, a chiropractor and a psychologist, Pounds and Inches Away, Inc., was born. Pounds and Inches Away offers expert support; it works great for women and even better for men. We’ve helped hundreds of clients lose weight and, even more importantly, maintain the loss. MOST clients lose 20-30 pounds in about a month. We take great pride in stating that these RESULTS ARE TYPICAL! The protocol is life-changing for many participants, so be prepared.
Pat’s Pounds and Inches Away Program Success Story

– Pat P.
Rick’s Pounds and Inches Away Success Story
POUNDS AND INCHES AWAY is for real. When I began the program I did not know if I could stay with this system to lose weight, however the results were quick and the weight loss substantial, therefore it was easy to stay on track. I was able to lose over 30 pounds in just over three weeks and I couldn’t be happier with the way I look and feel.
– Rick R.
Janice’s Pounds and Inches Away Program Success Story

– Janice C.
Connie’s Pounds and Inches Away Success Story

– Connie B.
Michelle’s Pounds and Inches Away Success Story

– Michelle S.
Vicky’s Pounds and Inches Away Program Success Story

– Vicky G.
Wayne’s Pounds and Inches Away Plan Success Story

Then, I heard about Pounds and Inches and I thought I would give this a try. I’m thrilled to say it works!! I lost a total of 61 pounds and 38 1/2 inches off my body. My starting weight was 279 and now I weigh 218!! This is the best I have felt in years. I feel great and can’t wait to see the look on my doctor’s face! Thanks to Pounds and Inches Away. I have lost a lot of weight and I have learned the right and healthy way to eat.
I feel GREAT and I thank Pounds and Inches Away.
– Wayne D.
Donna’s Pounds and Inches Away Success Story

– Donna R.
Nathan’s Pounds and Inches Away Success Story

I went from 215 lbs down to an incredible 180 lbs, and I kept it off! You have probably tried other diets like I have, and they probably have failed. So if you are serious about losing weight then stop dieting and get Pounds and Inches Away.
– Nathan D.
Shannon’s Pounds and Inches Away Success Story

It helped to lower my blood pressure and all the aches and pains I had before have gone away. I felt like a 32 year old before the diet–out of shape and borderline high blood pressure. I could barely run 3 miles as I was considerably out of shape. After the diet I felt like I was 21 again. In October 08 (after my second round), I ran a half marathon. I plan to run a full marathon within the next 12 months. Thanks !!!
– Shannon M.
Bob and Deanne’s Pounds and Inches Away Success Story
We hope you enjoyed reading our success stories from Pounds and Inches Away clients. You may also enjoy reading our Testimonials and looking at our Before & After Pictures.