Healthy Holiday Eating Tips (Part 2)
Have lighter foods first.Start out with a small plate of salad or vegetables first. Then go back for your main

10 Tips to Simplify Your Holidays (Part 1)
Fluffy snow, twinkling lights, carolers, crackling fireplaces…the holiday season and all its beauty is at hand. So are the crowded

10 Tips to Simplify Your Holidays (Part 2)
Learn to say no – Don’t over schedule yourself through the holidays. Saying yes when you should say no can leave

7 Health Benefits of Eating Eggs (Part 1)
I grew up singing along with that catchy little commercial jingle, “the incredible edible egg” and eating one of those

7 Health Benefits of Eating Eggs (Part 2)
Choline, an essential nutrient needed for brain development in the unborn and brain function in adults, is abundant in egg

Kick Up the Heat… Introducing Simple Girl Hot Sauce
On Phase 2 of the Pounds and Inches Away Weight Management Program, it’s so important to keep your meals exciting,

Be More Powerful in Just 2 Minutes!
Ms. Amy Cuddy, Harvard social psychologist, is an expert on non-verbal behavior and in a recent study found that “power

10 Ways to ‘Scare Away’ Sugar Cravings
Halloween is almost here — time to ward off ghosts, goblins and … sugar cravings! Have you noticed that consuming

A Key to Happiness — Expressing Gratitude
There have been studies conducted on the subject of “what it takes to live a happy life.” When researchers refer

Christmas Gift Ideas That Will Make Them Truly Happy
We know money can’t buy happiness, but every Christmas we try by purchasing the latest fashion, phones and televisions for